I bought a font for this blog. CartographCF – I love this font. I use it in my terminals & editor.

For the web, it’s packaged as 32 separate files:

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                          12ms eric@nonagon 20:03:33
❯ ls
CartographCF-BoldItalic.woff         CartographCF-HeavyItalic.woff
CartographCF-BoldItalic.woff2        CartographCF-HeavyItalic.woff2
CartographCF-Bold.woff               CartographCF-Heavy.woff
CartographCF-Bold.woff2              CartographCF-Heavy.woff2
CartographCF-DemiBoldItalic.woff     CartographCF-LightItalic.woff
CartographCF-DemiBoldItalic.woff2    CartographCF-LightItalic.woff2
CartographCF-DemiBold.woff           CartographCF-Light.woff
CartographCF-DemiBold.woff2          CartographCF-Light.woff2
CartographCF-ExtraBoldItalic.woff    CartographCF-RegularItalic.woff
CartographCF-ExtraBoldItalic.woff2   CartographCF-RegularItalic.woff2
CartographCF-ExtraBold.woff          CartographCF-Regular.woff
CartographCF-ExtraBold.woff2         CartographCF-Regular.woff2
CartographCF-ExtraLightItalic.woff   CartographCF-ThinItalic.woff
CartographCF-ExtraLightItalic.woff2  CartographCF-ThinItalic.woff2
CartographCF-ExtraLight.woff         CartographCF-Thin.woff
CartographCF-ExtraLight.woff2        CartographCF-Thin.woff2

Since this is a paid font, I already feel weird about uploading it to a public git repo. The least I can do is upload just the variants I’m really using: DemiBold, DemiBoldItalic, Heavy, and HeavyItalic.

I need to rm the rest.

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                          11ms eric@nonagon 20:11:17
❯ rm CartographCF-{ExtraLight,ExtraBold,Light,Bold,Regular,Thin}{,Italic}.woff{,2}

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                           7ms eric@nonagon 20:11:22
❯ rm *woff

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                           4ms eric@nonagon 20:11:28
❯ ls
CartographCF-DemiBoldItalic.woff2  CartographCF-HeavyItalic.woff2
CartographCF-DemiBold.woff2        CartographCF-Heavy.woff2

Bam. Nice. But how did CartographCF-{ExtraLight,ExtraBold,Light,Bold,Regular,Thin}{,Italic}.woff{,2} and *woff actually translate into the files I wanted to delete? It’s through the magic of parameter expansion.

## Parameter expansion

Even if you’re not famliar with brace expansion (e.g. {,Italic},) you’re probably famliar with globbing (e.g. *woff.) Both of these are parameter expansion. Your shell (bash, fish, zsh, etc) is expanding those patterns into parameters before executing your command.

This works the same way anywhere in your shell:

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                           0ms eric@nonagon 20:34:12
❯ echo *
CartographCF-DemiBold.woff2 CartographCF-DemiBoldItalic.woff2 CartographCF-Heavy.woff2 CartographCF-HeavyItalic.woff2

~/Downloads/Cartograph CF                           0ms eric@nonagon 20:35:04
❯ for font in *-DemiBold{,Italic}.woff2
      echo "hey it's a font: " $font
hey it's a font:  CartographCF-DemiBold.woff2
hey it's a font:  CartographCF-DemiBoldItalic.woff2

### Brace expansion

Brace expansion works a little bit like a for each loop. For each item inside the brackets, you get a parameter with the item in place of the braces. For example,

❯ echo foo{1,2,3}
foo1 foo2 foo3

Items inside the brackets can also be empty strings if you want,

❯ echo foo{,bar}
foo foobar

And you can put in as many brace expansions as you want, like in the rm command above. Let’s take a closer look at that with echo instead of rm:

❯ echo -e CartographCF-{ExtraLight,ExtraBold,Light,Bold,Regular,Thin}{,Italic}.woff{,2}"\n" | column -x
CartographCF-ExtraLight.woff		 CartographCF-ExtraBold.woff
 CartographCF-Light.woff		 CartographCF-Bold.woff
 CartographCF-Regular.woff		 CartographCF-Thin.woff
 CartographCF-ExtraLightItalic.woff	 CartographCF-ExtraBoldItalic.woff
 CartographCF-LightItalic.woff		 CartographCF-BoldItalic.woff
 CartographCF-RegularItalic.woff	 CartographCF-ThinItalic.woff
 CartographCF-ExtraLight.woff2		 CartographCF-ExtraBold.woff2
 CartographCF-Light.woff2		 CartographCF-Bold.woff2
 CartographCF-Regular.woff2		 CartographCF-Thin.woff2
 CartographCF-ExtraLightItalic.woff2	 CartographCF-ExtraBoldItalic.woff2
 CartographCF-LightItalic.woff2		 CartographCF-BoldItalic.woff2
 CartographCF-RegularItalic.woff2	 CartographCF-ThinItalic.woff2

We get all the types Light, Bold, etc from {ExtraLight,ExtraBold,Light,Bold,Regular,Thin}. Then, we get both bare and with Italic with {,Italic}. Finally, we get the woff and woff2 file extensions with woff{,2}.

Brace expansion is pretty neat.